A characterisation of Lie algebras using ideals and subalgebras
Vladimir Dotsenko
Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, UMR 7501, Université de Strasbourg et CNRS, Strasbourg, France
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Xabier García-Martínez
Departamento de Matemáticas, Esc. Sup. de Enx. Informática, Campus de Ourense, CITMAga & Universidade de Vigo, Ourense, Spain
Xabier García-Martínez, CITMAga, and Universidade de Vigo, Departamento de Matemáticas, Esc. Sup. de Enx. Informática, Campus de Ourense, E–32004 Ourense, Spain.
Email: [email protected]
Search for more papers by this authorVladimir Dotsenko
Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, UMR 7501, Université de Strasbourg et CNRS, Strasbourg, France
Search for more papers by this authorCorresponding Author
Xabier García-Martínez
Departamento de Matemáticas, Esc. Sup. de Enx. Informática, Campus de Ourense, CITMAga & Universidade de Vigo, Ourense, Spain
Xabier García-Martínez, CITMAga, and Universidade de Vigo, Departamento de Matemáticas, Esc. Sup. de Enx. Informática, Campus de Ourense, E–32004 Ourense, Spain.
Email: [email protected]
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We prove that if, for a non-trivial variety of non-associative algebras, every subalgebra of every free algebra is free and is an ideal whenever is an ideal, then this variety coincides with the variety of all Lie algebras.
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