K-theory Soergel bimodules
We initiate the study of -theory Soergel bimodules, a global and -theoretic version of Soergel bimodules. We show that morphisms of -theory Soergel bimodules can be described geometrically in terms of equivariant -theoretic correspondences between Bott–Samelson varieties. We thereby obtain a natural categorification of -theory Soergel bimodules in terms of equivariant coherent sheaves. We introduce a formalism of stratified equivariant -motives on varieties with an affine stratification, which is a -theoretic analog of the equivariant derived category of Bernstein–Lunts. We show that Bruhat-stratified torus-equivariant -motives on flag varieties can be described in terms of chain complexes of -theory Soergel bimodules. Moreover, we propose conjectures regarding an equivariant/monodromic Koszul duality for flag varieties and the quantum -theoretic Satake.
Let be a connected split reductive group with a Borel subgroup and maximal torus such that the derived subgroup is simply connected. Let be the Weyl group with set of simple reflections , the character lattice and the flag variety. We fix some ring of coefficients and tacitly assume that everything is linear over .
1.1 Soergel bimodules
If is a field of characteristic , indecomposable Soergel bimodules yield the equivariant intersection cohomology of Schubert varieties in . This is a consequence of the decomposition theorem for perverse sheaves, see [1], and Soergel's Erweiterungssatz, see [33].
1.2 -theory Soergel bimodules
1.3 Atiyah–Segal completion theorem
If is a field of characteristic , (cohomological) Soergel bimodules can be interpreted as a completed or infinitesimal version of -theory Soergel bimodules.
1.4 Correspondences and Erweiterungssatz
We will show that morphisms of -theory Soergel bimodules admit a geometric description in terms of -theoretic correspondences between Bott–Samelson varieties.
Theorem. (Theorem 4.4)Let be sequences of simple reflections. Then convolution induces an isomorphism
Here denotes which is the -theoretic analog of Borel–Moore homology. The result is a -theoretic analog of Soergel's Erweiterungssatz, which implies a similar statement for equivariant Borel–Moore homology and cohomology. Correspondences can be composed via convolution. That allows to lift the result to an equivalence of categories between the Karoubi envelope of a category of -theoretic correspondences and -theory Soergel bimodules.
1.5 -motives on flag varieties
Equivariant cohomology groups can be interpreted as extensions in the equivariant derived category of constructible sheaves , see [3]. This yields another construction of (cohomological) Soergel bimodules in terms of equivariant sheaves on the flag variety .
Mixed sheaves are a graded refinement of the category of constructible sheaves that can be constructed via mixed Hodge modules or mixed -adic sheaves, see [2, 25], and, most satisfyingly, using mixed motives , see, for example, [15, 19, 37, 38].
We will prove a -theoretic analog of this story that provides a third definition of -theory Soergel bimodules.
Equivariant -theory groups can be interpreted as morphisms in the category of equivariant -motives . We will give a definition of this category based on the equivariant stable homotopy category constructed in [26]. We will see that comes equipped with a six functor formalism and behaves very similarly to . In particular, we will discuss affine-stratified -motives in detail and discuss their formality using weight structures. We will then show:
Theorem. (Corollary 5.3)Let . There is an equivalence of stable -categories
1.6 Further directions
This paper should be seen as a starting point to new possible -theoretic approaches to geometric representation theory. We now discuss some of these further directions.
1.6.1 Categorification of -theory Soergel bimodules
in terms of the derived category of equivariant coherent sheaves on these spaces. Composition of morphisms is categorified with a convolution formula similar to Fourier–Mukai transformations. We will explore the implications in a future work.
1.6.2 Diagrammatic calculus and algebraic properties
Cohomological Soergel bimodules admit a diagrammatic description that, roughly speaking, describes the relationship between the units and counits induced by the various Frobenius extensions for , see [14, 17, 20].
Very similarly, there are Frobenius extensions for that arise from parabolic induction. They fulfill similar relationships and it is very imaginable that there is a diagrammatic calculus for -theory Soergel bimodules. For example, there should be a nice diagrammatic basis for their homomorphisms corresponding to the affine strata of the fiber products .
In this paper we completely ignore any algebraic questions such as a Krull–Schmidt property, uniqueness of indecomposable -theory Soergel bimodules, and so on, which are probably best studied using diagrammatics.
1.6.3 Equivariant/monodromic duality
Koszul duality for flag varieties, see [2, 33], is an equivalence of categories between mixed sheaves on a flag variety and its Langlands dual . Equivalently, Koszul duality provides an equivalence of the derived graded principal block of category of a complex reductive Lie algebra and its Langlands dual.
In the spirit of [6], this result should have a equivariant/monodromic lift:
Conjecture 1.2. (Ungraded, uncompleted equivariant/monodromic Koszul duality)Let . There is an equivalence of categories
For each maximal ideal , this conjecture specializes to a Koszul duality between -twisted equivariant sheaves and -locally finite monodromic sheaves (see [22, 31]).
1.6.4 Quantum -theoretic Satake
The approach to -theoretic correspondences via -motives developed here in the context of -theory Soergel bimodules should shed new light on Cautis–Kamnitzer's quantum -theoretic Satake, see [9], which can be reformulated as the following:
Conjecture 1.3.There is an equivalence of categories
Here reduced -motives should be constructed from by removing the higher -theory of the base point, as defined in the context of in [19]. In particular, the category should have a combinatorial description in terms of singular -theory Soergel bimodules. See also [16] for a different approach using a -deformed Cartan matrix.
1.6.5 Motivic springer theory
In the spirit of [12, 18], -motives should be useful to construct categories of representations of -theoretic convolution algebras, such as the affine Hecke algebra, geometrically. For example, we conjecture the following:
Conjecture 1.4.There is an equivalence of a categories
1.7 Structure of the paper
In Section 2, we introduce the formalism of -equivariant -motives for diagonalizable groups and discuss the relation to equivariant -theory and -theory.
In Section 3, we consider -stratified -equivariant -motives for varieties with an affine stratification . We construct a weight structure and discuss their formality.
In Section 4, we recall basic properties of equivariant -theory of flag varieties and define -theory Soergel bimodules. Moreover, we give a geometric construction of morphisms of -theory Soergel bimodules in terms of -theoretic correspondences. This can be read independently of the other sections and does not involve any -categories.
In Section 5, we discuss the category of Bruhat-constructible -equivariant -motives on the flag variety and show that it can be described via chain complexes of -theory Soergel bimodules.
In this section, we define a formalism of equivariant -motives based on the equivariant stable motivic homotopy category introduced in [26]. Moreover, we discuss basic functorialities of -theory and -theory. Here, is any ring of coefficients and any base field. Moreover, by we denote the tensor unit in any monoidal category.
2.1 Definition
Denote . Let be an algebraic group over of multiplicative type, for example, is a finite product of groups of the form and . We use the term -variety to denote a separated -scheme of finite type over which is -quasi-projective, that is, admits a -equivariant immersion into for a vector space with linear -action. In particular, if is normal, quasi-projectivity implies -quasi-projectivity. A morphism of -varieties is a morphism of schemes that is -equivariant.
To any -variety , [26] associates the -equivariant stable motivic homotopy category that is a closed symmetric monoidal stable -category. Moreover, there is a six functor formalism for that fulfills properties such as base change, localization sequences and projection formulae, see [26, Theorem 1.1].
2.2 Six functors
- (1) (Pullback and pushforward) For any morphism of -varieties, there are adjoint pullback and pushforward functors
The functor is monoidal.
- (2) (Exceptional pullback and pushforward) For any morphism of -varieties, there are adjoint exceptional pullback and pushforward functors
- (3) (Proper pushforward) If is a proper morphism of -varieties, there is a canonical equivalence of functors
- (4) (Smooth pullback and Bott periodicity) If is a smooth morphism of -varieties, there is a canonical equivalence of functors
- (5) (Base change) For a Cartesian square of morphism of -varieties
there are natural equivalences of functors
- (6) (Localization) Let be a -equivariant open immersion and its closed complement. Then there are homotopy cofiber sequences of functors on
- (7) (Projection formulae) For any morphism of -varieties , there are natural equivalences of functors
- (8) (Homotopy invariance) If is a G-equivariant affine bundle over a -variety , then is fully faithful.
Remark 2.2.A remarkable property of -motives that is different from motivic sheaves or -adic sheaves is Bott periodicity. Namely, the reduced -motive of is isomorphic to the unit object. This implies that the Tate-twist and shift is isomorphic to the identity in . Bott periodicity is also reflected in the fact that for smooth maps .
2.3 -motives and -theory
The usual functorialities of -theory and -theory are induced by the appropriate unit and counit maps of the adjunctions and while making use of the fact that for proper and for smooth. So admits arbitrary pullbacks and pushforwards along smooth and proper maps, while admits proper pushforwards and smooth pullbacks.
2.4 -motives, correspondences and convolution
Remark 2.3.We briefly discuss why the convolution product is well-defined. For to be well-defined, we need that is of finite Tor-dimension. As is smooth over by assumption, the diagonal map is a regular immersion and hence of finite Tor-dimension. The property is preserved under base change, so the same holds true for . Now is well-defined because is proper. The exterior product is well-defined unconditionally.
We introduce -stratified -equivariant -motives on varieties with -equivariant affine stratifications and discuss basis properties, such as the existence of weight structures. In this section, we work with rational coefficients everywhere, the base field or and let .
3.1 Constant equivariant -motives
Proposition 3.1.Let be a diagonalizable algebraic group and Then
Proof.By homotopy invariance for , we can assume that with the trivial action. In this case,
The vanishing of for allows to define the following weight structure (for an overview over weight structures and weight complex functors for -categories, see [19, section 2.1.3]) on , which exists by [5, Proposition 1.2.3(6)].
Definition 3.2.Let be a diagonalizable algebraic group and . The standard weight structure on is defined as the unique weight structure on with heart generated by by finite direct sums and retracts.
Proposition 3.3.Let be a diagonalizable algebraic group and . There is an equivalence of categories between constant -equivariant -motives and the perfect derived category of the representation ring
The description is compatible with pullback/pushforward along surjective -equivariant maps using the homotopy invariance of .
Proposition 3.4.Let be a diagonalizable algebraic group and be a surjective map in . Then
Proof.As is smooth which implies the first chain of isomorphisms. The homotopy invariance of implies the second.
Corollary 3.5.In the notation of Proposition 3.4, the functors are weight exact and there are homotopy commutative diagrams
3.2 Affine-stratified varieties
In this section, we consider -motives for -varieties with -equivariant affine stratifications, that is, -varieties that are stratified by -representations.
Definition 3.6.Let be an algebraic group and a -variety. A -equivariant affine stratification is a decomposition
We need a notion of morphism between -varieties with -equivariant affine stratification, that is built from surjective linear maps of -representations.
Definition 3.7.Let and be -varieties with -equivariant affine stratifications. A -equivariant affine stratified morphism is a -equivariant morphism such that
- (1) for each , the preimage is a union of strata;
- (2) for each mapping into , there is a commutative diagram
where is a surjective map in .
We now define -motives that are constant along the strata of a stratification.
Definition 3.8.Let be a diagonalizable algebraic group and a -variety with a -equivariant affine stratification. The category of -stratified -equivariant -motives on is the full subcategory
Next, we study well-behaved stratifications.
Definition 3.9.In the notation of Definition 3.8, the stratification is called Whitney–Tate if and .
In the case of a Whitney–Tate stratification, the category is generated by the objects (or ) under finite colimits and retracts. For example, the Whitney–Tate condition is fulfilled if there are -equivariant affine-stratified resolutions of stratum closures:
Definition 3.10.A -variety with a -equivariant affine stratification affords -equivariant affine-stratified resolutions if for all there is a -equivariant map , such that
- (1) is smooth projective and has a -equivariant affine stratification,
- (2) is -equivariant affine-stratified morphism and an isomorphism over .
There is a weight structure on constructible equivariant -motives by gluing the standard weight structures on the strata, see Definition 3.2.
Proposition 3.11.Let be a diagonalizable algebraic group and a -variety with a Whitney–Tate -equivariant affine stratification. Setting
Proof.The existence follows from an iterative application of [4, Theorem 8.2.3].
Stratified equivariant -motives and their weight structure are compatible with affine-stratified equivariant maps in the following way.
Proposition 3.12.Let be a diagonalizable algebraic group, -varieties with Whitney–Tate -equivariant affine stratification and a -equivariant affine-stratified morphism. Then the following holds.
- (1) The functors and preserve .
- (2) The functors preserve nonnegative weights.
- (3) The functors preserve nonpositive weights.
Proof.Follows as in [15, Propositions 3.8 and 3.12].
The heart of the weight structure can be described in terms of the -motives of resolutions of the closures of the strata.
Proposition 3.13.Let be a diagonalizable algebraic group, a -variety with a -equivariant affine stratification that affords -equivariant affine-stratified resolutions . Then the heart of the weight structure is equal to the thick subcategory of generated by the objects for by finite direct sums and retracts.
Proof.By an induction on the number of strata one shows that the objects generate the category with respect to finite colimits. By Proposition the objects are contained in . The statement follows from the uniqueness of generated weight structures, see [5, Proposition 1.2.3(6)].
3.3 Pointwise purity and weight complex functor
With an additional pointwise purity assumption, stratified equivariant -motives can be described in terms of their weight zero part.
Definition 3.14.Let be a diagonalizable algebraic group, be a -variety with Whitney–Tate -equivariant affine stratification. Let . An object is called -pointwise pure if for all . The object is called pointwise pure if it is -pointwise pure for both .
Proposition 3.15.In the notation of Definition 3.14, let be - and -pointwise pure, respectively, then for all .
Theorem 3.16.In the notation of Definition 3.14, assume that all objects in are pointwise pure. Then the weight complex functor is an equivalence of categories
The assumptions of Theorem 3.16 are, for example, fulfilled if there are -equivariant stratified resolutions of stratum closures.
Proposition 3.17.Under the assumptions of 3.13, all objects in are pointwise pure.
Proof.The generators of are pointwise pure by base change and , see [15, Proposition 3.15].
The goal of this section is to define -theory Soergel bimodules. Similarly to usual, cohomological, Soergel bimodules, they arise from the equivariant -theory of Bott–Samelson resolutions of Schubert varieties. We start the section with basic notations and results on representation rings and the equivariant -theory of flag varieties and Bott–Samelson varieties. Here, is any ring of coefficients and any base field.
4.1 Flag varieties and Bott–Samelson varieties
Let be a split reductive connected group over that has a simply connected derived group with a Borel subgroup and maximal torus . Denote by the character lattice and set of roots. Denote by the Weyl group, the set of simple reflection with respect to and by the longest element. Let the unipotent radical, its opposite and for .
Let be the set of roots that appear in the tangent space of , so the roots that appear in . We make this nonstandard choice of positive roots to obtain a nice Weyl character formula.
4.2 Representation rings and Frobenius extensions
The map is an injective algebra homomorphism defined by restricting a -representation to . The image of are exactly the -invariants and we hence identify .
We remark that the discussion also applies to standard parabolic subgroups by taking as Levi factor of and using that and .
4.3 The rank two case
4.4 Equivariant -theory of flag and Bott–Samelson varieties
Next, we compute the -equivariant -theory of Bott–Samelson varieties. For this, we make use of the following statement:
Lemma 4.1.Let be a standard parabolic. Let be a -variety. Then there is a natural isomorphism
Proof.There is the following chain of isomorphisms
4.5 -theory Soergel bimodules
Soergel bimodules arise from (direct summands of) the -equivariant cohomology of Bott–Samelson varieties, interpreted as bimodules over the -equivariant cohomology ring of a point . It is hence natural to define -theory Soergel bimodules in the same way, replacing equivariant cohomology by equivariant -theory.
Definition 4.2.The category of -theory Soergel bimodules is the full thick subcategory of the category of -bimodules generated by the bimodules
Remark 4.3.In fact, it will turn out that (with rational coefficients) the category is is already generated by the collection of bimodules for any fixed choice of reduced expressions for the elements . This follows from the geometric description in terms of weight zero -motives, see Corollary 5.2, and Proposition 3.2.
4.6 -theory Soergel bimodules via convolution
We will now show how homomorphisms between -theory Soergel bimodules can be described via a convolution product. This yields an equivalent definition of the category -theory Soergel bimodules via correspondences.
Theorem 4.4.The map is an isomorphism.
Proof.Step 1: We reduce the statement to the case when is the empty sequence and hence .
For this, let be a simple reflection and write for the concatenation. Then . We abbreviate , and . Our goal is to construct a commutative diagram
The commutativity of the above square boils down to the commutativity of the diagram
Step 2: By the first step, it suffices to show that the map
Remark 4.5.
- (1) The isomorphism is compatible with composition in the following sense. If is a third sequence of simple reflections, one can define the convolution product
see Subsection 2.4. By associativity of convolution .
- (2) The above discussion yields the following equivalent construction of the category . Namely, consider the category of -theoretic correspondences of Bott–Samelson resolutions with objects sequences of simple reflections and morphisms . Composition is given by convolution . Then the maps define a functor that is fully faithful by Theorem 4.4. In fact, the induced functor from the Karoubian envelope yields an equivalence of categories.
- (3) The category has a more conceptual construction. Namely, there is an equivalence with the category of weight zero objects in the category of Bruhat-stratified -equivariant -motives on the flag variety. In this context, Theorem 4.4 can be seen as a -theoretic analogue of Soergel's Erweiterungssatz. It is equivalent to the statement that the functor , which sends a -motive to its -theory, see Remark 5.4, is fully faithful. In fact, our proof of Theorem 4.4 closely follows the proof of the Erweiterungssatz in the context of equivariant motives, see [37, Proposition III.6.11].
We now combine the results from Section 3 and 4 to obtain a combinatorial description of Bruhat-stratified torus-equivariant -motives on flag varieties in terms of (complexes of) -theory Soergel bimodules. In this section, our ring of coefficients is and or .
5.1 Bruhat-stratified -motives
We continue in the notation of Subsection 4.1. We consider the flag variety with its action by the maximal torus . By the discussion there, the Bruhat stratification is a -equivariant affine stratification of in the sense of Definition 3.6 and we denote it by . It hence makes sense to consider the category of Bruhat-stratified -equivariant -motives on the flag variety.
Moreover, for a reduced expression of an element , the map provides a resolution of singularities of the Schubert variety and hence affords -equivariant affine-stratified resolutions in the sense of Definition 3.10. This shows that the Bruhat-stratification is Whitney–Tate and that there is a weight structure on such that the objects in the heart are pointwise pure by Proposition 3.17. Hence, Theorem 3.16 implies the following:
Theorem 5.1.The weight complex functor induces an equivalence of categories
5.2 A combinatorial description
Corollary 5.2.There is an equivalence of categories
Together with Theorem 5.1, this yields:
Corollary 5.3.There is an equivalence of categories
The author thanks Matthew Dyer, Marc Hoyois, Shane Kelly, Adeel Khan, Wolfgang Soergel, Catharina Stroppel, Matthias Wendt, and Geordie Williamson for helpful discussions. Thanks to the referee for their helpful corrections. The author was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Project number: 45744154, Equivariant K-motives and Koszul duality.
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